Stay-at-home Coloring Book: Page 1 "Royal"
Since most of us are staying in at home due to COVID-19, we're sure you might be seeing some boredom here and there. One way to pass the time is coloring book pages. What? You think you're too old for coloring books?! Nonsense!
We're building a Syndicate Original coloring book that you can print out at home and color up any way you'd like. Hang it on your wall or fridge when done, or turn it into a paper airplane and fly it around, or better yet - share it with us on twitter! We love to see the handy work and coloring skills.
Stay in the lines? Naw, color it how ever you want - just have fun! Break out the crayons, paint, colored pencils, chalk, whatever you'd like. We'll post up more pages here as we can.
For the first page, we're kicking it off with our Royal tee design. Lots of patterned areas to color in and make it look however you want. Share it with us on twitter when you're done!
- Save image
- Color it up!